Tree & Shrub Disease Control | Charlotte, Matthews & Huntersville, NC | FineTurf
House in Charlotte, NC surrounded by trees, lawn, shrubs, and flowers.

Tree & Shrub Disease Control in Charlotte, NC, including surrounding areas like Matthews, Huntersville, Fort Mill, Waxhaw, and more!

Get a Quote Call (704) 309-4204

This service requires our Lawn Care Program.

Tree & Shrub Disease Control Service in & Around Charlotte, Matthews & Huntersville, NC

Preventative treatments keep plant diseases from developing, while curative applications eliminate active infections.

Diseases can severely damage the health of your trees and shrubs. Fortunately, we're here to help! At FineTurf, we offer a tree and shrub disease control service, where we utilize preventative and curative treatments to keep fungal infections from developing and eliminate active ones. These treatments are effective against common plant diseases in our area, like powdery mildew, anthracnose, leaf spot, and root rot. What's more, this service is included as part of our comprehensive tree and shrub care program, which also comes with fertilization and insect control treatments to ensure your plants stay healthy and beautiful throughout the year.

Residential property owners in Charlotte, Matthews, Huntersville, and nearby areas in North Carolina and South Carolina can take advantage of our tree and shrub disease control service. Give us a call today at (704) 309-4204 to schedule!

Preventative & Curative Treatments for Tree & Shrub Diseases Are Available

Powdery mildew on plant leaves in Charlotte, NC.

At FineTurf, we understand how important it is to keep your trees and shrubs free of diseases. That's why we offer both preventative and curative disease control treatments. Our preventative treatments are designed to stop diseases from infecting your plants in the first place, which we'll apply four times a year, from late spring until fall. On the other hand, our curative applications are intended to eliminate existing infections, so if you notice signs of disease on your plants, you'll want to schedule these promptly to ensure they don't sustain more damage.

We're proudly affiliated with the National Association of Landscape Professionals!

Disease control treatments are included in our tree and shrub care program.

While our disease control treatments are effective against plant diseases, there's more to keeping your trees and shrubs in optimal condition. That's why we offer this service as part of our comprehensive 6-step tree and shrub care program. In addition to disease control treatments, this program also includes:

  • Fertilizer Treatments: We will apply a granular fertilizer treatment around the drip lines of your plants in March/April to supply them with essential nutrients that promote strong root development and encourage lush foliage growth.
  • Insect Control Treatments: Our insect control treatments are designed to prevent insects from infesting your plants. A dormant oil is applied in late winter, while insecticides are done four times during the growing season when most pests tend to become active.

What types of tree and shrub diseases are treated?

There are many different types of fungal diseases that can affect trees and shrubs in the Charlotte, NC, area. Luckily, we have the necessary knowledge and experience to identify and treat all kinds of plant diseases. Some common plant diseases our treatments are effective against include:

  • Powdery Mildew: Powdery mildew causes white patches on leaves and stems, eventually leading to stunted growth and defoliation if left untreated.
  • Anthracnose: Anthracnose causes dark lesions on the stems and leaves of your trees and shrubs.
  • Leaf Spot: Leaf spot appears as small, circular spots on leaves, often surrounded by yellow halos.
  • Root Rot: Root rot attacks roots below ground level, resulting in wilting foliage and poor overall plant performance.

Call Us to Sign Up for Our Tree & Shrub Disease Control Service

If you want to protect your trees and shrubs from diseases, you've come to the right place! At FineTurf, we offer a tree and shrub disease control service that includes both preventative and curative treatments to keep your plants disease-free throughout the year. We serve homeowners in Charlotte, Matthews, Huntersville, NC, and surrounding areas, including those in South Carolina. Call us at (704) 309-4204 to sign up for our tree and shrub disease control service!